Dress up day

On Friday we had a dress up day we had to bring a costume I war my Tuxedo with My hat that I created I painted It white i was gonna pait it balck but I did’t have enough Time so I kept It white I got dressed In to My Tuxedo In the toilet’s I search on google what movie or book character that would wear a Tuxedo and I found James bond double 07 He is a very famous guy so I chose him. After that we went up to the hall to see Aki Fukouka when we sour us she told us about her and what she can draw what cool books she can make. then when it finshed we took some nice photo’s  before we went back to class then the teacher took some photo’s then we went straight back to class to do some blogs and slides about It


this is I am UNIQUE and this is about my birth month  who I love. Who im named after what I like What I hate  its all about me and i love what I wrote is’t it fantastic and I added a picture of my self so i show people what I look like  added kia ora that mean hi in maori so yeah and its about me playing with people who be nice to me and to be my friend. some people judge me when I did nothing to them they boss me around and i get kinda angry and i don’t want to be friends with them there always mean. I like Micdonalds because what I like about it is the big mac the fries the drinks and there sundays.

Pita Visual Mihi


what I learned today withg matua Ania. Is My Visual Mihi what this is about its about your south what you like and what is your best things to do mine is about rugby cause i like to takle and run with the ball and I like this movie cord shooting stars its about labron james when he’s a teenager playing  basketball it’s a cool movie. I play for the papakura sea egals. I have rainings on tuesdays and thursdays and i have my real games on saturday every rugby teams do .These and I put my cultrue in to a love hart because I love my cultrue also i just put a tongan flag. And my old team was cord the maori rugby leugue team we could only vs maori’s we had a haka to when we go on the feld on real games we do it we had to make a curcle and some on had to be in the middle then the person in the middle had to say the words then pull the pohhkana well we were on our knees. And I put a rugby ball there because i like to play kicks with it fro the poster. I put the nsw there because im up the blues alll day i hat the Maroons nsw on top i put my face there so people know who i am.


our precipitating cloud

today I made a precipitating cloud. you needed a plastic cup and you had to  fill it up to the line add shaving cream on top then diped 5 drops of food coloring in with the Pippetites then wait for it. Then it will start to rain. The ingredients: shaving cream Pippetites food coloring plastic cup make sure it has some lines on it so you can fill it up to it so it can be your measurement.

what happens: This happen because of the heat from the sun it’s so hot that if you were on it you will die and when it get hot It started to evaporation and then the water molecules and they don’t like being in the heat so they go up because our Atmosphere is so cold that you will freeze and the water molecules love the cold and then they condense and make a cloud.

ANZACs biscuits

one of the fansinating thing is when our class E rua walked in to the hall when we came back from lunch we smiled a delicious smile it was so yum my stumic rumbled around and arond when we sat daown on our tables our Anzac biscuits came when we got our first tast it tasted so good i could’t belive my self it tasted crunchy sweet then when we got ur 2end Mnmmmmm it tased soo good it was ours what we baked then the 3rend 1 sooo it like does were the goodest biscuits out of the whole world.


today we made a Googgle drawing of Anzac art with aina we had to put a Mountain and put the colour dark on it then we had to put a circle then put the circle bright after that we had to send it to the back of the Mountain then we had to put the background in to a red black sky  then we put some silhouettle soilders then three stones on top of the mountain.

Buiding a Smart footprint Reputation

Building a Smart Footprint Reputation


Today, I learnt about Smart Footprint we can leave when where online

Showing compassionate words thinking about our Reputation and that means I need to type positive.what I learned how to type online an text on jam board.


It was fun an safe because of the things he was telling us were to go.I enjoyed it. The lenses were easy to do and he showed us everything he had known. He showed us how to do a fish on google drawing then we had to put a background at the back.


And he showed us some cool stuff we were excited about. He showed us some tricks. After that he showed us how to ctrl paste and copy. Now we already know cybersmart is so cool.  


Kootuitui ki papakura.;matou aina


The Tiger & The Samurai

There was a cave on Top of a hill where we walked into Pita da Tiger. Was scared but my

Friend sii da samurai. He wasn’t scared. It was dark In side the cave

We sour someThing that had moved. It had 4 eyes I felt someThing Tickle me when I

walked inside the Cave With the Samurai It was a big Enormous black spider! There

Was a whole pack of Them The Samurai

used his sword his sword was cored the katana

He chopped the Huge Spiders In Pisces there was to much of them so we had to run we

Sour some Sunlight Shining in the whole so we ran there when we got there It was so

Summer there Were Flowers and water we ran to the water because we were Thirsty

When we had a Drink We looked on the other side i was dark on the other side it pushed

The summer Away but Then sii the samurai a big laser came out of his sword it went all

The way up to The sky When it touched the darkness it pushed away the darkness and it never came back again.

Bike Safety Check.

Hi my name is Pita and my class is Room 2 and today we a riding on the Bikes but we have to do the Rules firsh step 1. you have to put on your helmet then you put your figer by your chin so your buckle won’t choke you now step 2. you need to check your ears. Put your two fingers by your ears then spead them out and make sure your straps are not loose and around your ears. Step 3. You have to put your two fingers above your eyebrows to make sure that your helmet is straight.


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